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Place-Based Learning

What Is Place-Based Learning?

Sometimes referred to as pedagogy of place, experiential education, or community-based education, 基于地点的学习利用了一个地区的当地资源,比如公园, 公共场所, 博物馆, and businesses as well as the local heritage, 文化, 和景观. 这种高影响力的深度学习模式优先考虑参与度和真实性,为学生创造个性化的学习体验.

While many boarding schools are in the middle of nowhere, we are in the middle of somewhere special, 我们在普莱西德湖和阿迪朗达克公园的位置为我们提供了一个完美的基于地点的环境, 亲自动手的, community-centered, experiential learning.

诺思伍德学校致力于为所有学生提供真实而丰富的学习机会. By connecting learners to their communities, place-based education increases student engagement, provides valuable 亲自动手的 learning experiences, 并为学生提供了解决现实问题的机会.

而不是仅仅通过书本和技术在真空中学习信息, 学生可以在当地亲身体验身临其境的学习体验. 通过将当地的知识和机会融入我们的大学预科课程, 我们提倡学生的自主权,并以有意义的方式丰富他们的学术经历.

Lake Placid and the Adirondack Mountains

澳门金沙app下载的环境通过在地学习为学术丰富提供了一个特殊的环境. Located in the six million acre Adirondack Park, 美国本土最大的公共保护区, 澳门金沙app下载坐落在普莱西德湖的奥运村, host of the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympic Games. 

All of our students, not just our elite athletes, 是否可以使用奥运村的世界级奥运设施,如白面山, the Olympic hockey rinks including the storied 1980 rink, the Olympic Training Center (OTC), and the Intervale Ski Jumps to train, 竞争, 玩耍和学习.

我们的学生公民也参与当地社区的艺术,文化和社会场景. 而许多寄宿学校的学生被封闭在他们学校的校园里, Northwood students become engaged members of the local area, 我们认为普莱西德湖和阿迪朗达克山脉是我们校园的一部分.

Experiential and Immersive Learning

我们所有的学科都有基于地点的学习机会. 学生们在我们的英语课上参加诗歌比赛和当地的写作静修.  In geology classes, students take scenic flights over the Adirondacks, and they visit local farms in Environmental Science.


  • 地质:  Students visit the Cascade Waterfall, raft on the Hudson, explore Clarksville Cave and the caves on Pitchoff Mountain,  甚至可以在奥萨博河上的Flume瀑布游泳洞尝试悬崖跳水. They also search for garnet crystals in Henry's Woods, see weathering and erosion along the Peninsula Trail, 看看变质岩,从科布尔山上俯瞰阿迪朗达克山脉的高峰, 在白面山发现冰川不稳定物和冰碛沉积物. 
  • 生物学: Our biology classes visit the Biodome and The Wild Center. 他们还参与当地的水质测试,并学习如何识别当地森林中的动植物.
  • Environmental Science: Students participate in the maple sugaring process, learn about land use, conduct soil profiles,  visit a local wastewater treatment facility, and assume leadership roles in the Youth Climate Summit, a two-day conference on climate action, at The Wild Center. 
  • 物理:  To study the physics of motion, students take part in a ski-jump egg drop, launch rockets off Mirror Lake and in Gabriels, NY, 并在奥林匹克训练中心探索雪橇/骷髅滑道.
  • 社会科学: In Social Science classes, 学生们参观各种当地的博物馆和历史遗迹,如提康德罗加堡. 
  • 艺术: 澳门金沙app下载提供独特的阿迪朗达克艺术探索课程,学生从地区景观和周围环境中寻求灵感, visit local artists at their studios, attend guest lectures, and do ceramic firings with other schools. 我们通过与彭德龙剧院等当地艺术机构的合作,加强学生的艺术努力, The Upper Jay Arts Center, the Lake Placid Center for the Arts, and the 跳舞 Sanctuary in Saranac Lake.

The 创新中心

With the addition of Northwood School’s 创新中心, 我们的学生现在比以往任何时候都更愿意体验基于地点的学习. 该中心位于普莱西德湖市中心的中心位置,促进了学生和社区之间自然而真实的联系. 全年在普莱西德湖举行的活动和活动为学生参与和领导提供了大量的可能性, 中心的创客空间资源为学生提供了开发创造性解决方案所需的工具,以及在任何领导机会中获得成功所需的经验.

Benefits of Place-Based Learning

Place-based learning offers multiple advantages to students, 我们采用这种学习模式有以下好处:

  • Offers personalized, student-centered learning experiences
  • Utilizes interdisciplinary learning
  • 通过在当地社区扎根培养学生的社会责任感
  • 提供相关的经验,提高学生的兴趣和参与
  • 包括围绕学生兴趣开发的探究式课程
  • 鼓励学生从生态、政治、经济和社会的角度看世界
  • Creates lifelong learners
  • Boosts motivation and persistence by giving students autonomy
  • 培养学生的设计思维和解决问题的能力
  • Facilitates deeper learning outcomes
  • 培养学生对周围世界的欣赏和理解 

At Northwood School, 作为大学预科课程的一部分,我们提供基于场所的教育、阀杆课程和高级学者课程. 

准备好澳门金沙app下载关于我们的寄宿学校如何帮助您的孩子在他们的生活中充分利用这段时间, while also preparing them for a successful future? Then, contact us today.